Like most good things that happen in life, House Call Bourbon started simply with a passion, which then evolved into a bigger dream.

First, my love of early American and Kentucky history led me to discover the birth and stories of bourbon whiskey. Already a man who enjoyed the taste of the “American Spirit”, I then found a deeper facet of bourbon whiskey to study. (Seriously, could there be a better topic to investigate?!) As I read and learned more about the places and people who started and led bourbon whiskey into the revered spirit it is , the more I loved it.

My family’s ancestry was another part that grew my interest in bourbon whiskey. Our heritage is Scots-Irish, dating back into the 1500’s to the Highlands region of Inverness, Scotland. In 1740, Colonel John Wilson led his family across the Atlantic to the British Colonies, settling in Doe Hill, Virginia. It was there, working as a farmer, that distilling corn and rye whiskey was established in my family.

Next, being a physician and knowing the close ties whiskey and medicine have shared in the past, it felt natural to unite them again. Whiskey, which literally means the “water of life”, also has many well-studied health benefits that are important to know as a doctor.

Lastly, it was the fellowship with others that nearly universally happened while I enjoyed a glass of bourbon. Whether it was my wife, or one friend, or a group of friends and family, the time spent with others became central to what bourbon whiskey meant to me.

All of this then came together and shaped my dream, House Call Bourbon. My hope is that others may appreciate my passion and become inspired to go out and pursue their bigger dreams too.

My dream first placed on paper, Jan 2022.

Bourbon Splash!


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