Covid-19: Perspective, a Promise, and Hope

As the vast majority of us have never been through a pandemic like we are currently living, Covid-19 is a name most will never forget. This is a scary virus for many reasons, and it’s unleashing it’s effects not only physically with illness and even death, but also by gripping many people with mental anguish due to fear and worry. We will all feel the effects of this virus for sometime. This current reality is in no way uplifting. So how do we cope? How do we make sense of it? How can we come to a place of peace and hope rather than despair?

For me, 2 verses in the Christian Bible have shaped my perspective when I’ve dealt with bad things and times. The first is a quote from Jesus recorded in John 16:33, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (NLT). He didn’t sugarcoat what life would comprise for us, including His own followers; He said we ALL will deal with pain and suffering. Not very uplifting words here from Jesus. Thankfully, however, he didn’t stop at this point. If he hadn’t continued, then despair would be the logical conclusion of our lives. But He says we can be confident and full of hope despite dealing with bad things and times because He has “overcome the world.” How has He overcome? We know by historical study that after He died by crucifixion and was buried, the tomb was empty and He rose back to life, now living eternally. More so, He promised that “whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” too! His words and this truth helps me see the temporary nature of this life and it’s troubles; as my mom would say, “Keep things in perspective.”

The second verse is written by the apostle Paul, found in Romans 8:18 and it reads “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (NKJV). I remember the first time I read that verse as a new Christian, thinking ‘Wow! I can not image how great life will be when He reveals it.’ These words created an anticipation in me that I far too infrequently focus on; eternity will be amazing! The apostle John was able to provide some details of what we can expect and he recorded them in the book of Revelation. In chapters 21-22, he saw a place of surreal beauty where God is physically with us, providing eternal joy and peace with no pain, disease, or death. Does that sound pretty good or what? You see, no matter how bad life is right now, if we follow Jesus, He will lead us there one day.

As the old Hebrew and Persian axiom goes, “This too shall pass”, and this virus and its effects will subside eventually. I pray you get through it with little pain. But more so, even in the midst of the epidemic, I pray you come to find the “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” (Phil 4:7, NIV).

About admin

I am an Otolaryngologist, commonly known as an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) physician and surgeon. Currently, I am a partner of Ephraim McDowell ENT Clinic in Danville, KY. My practice consists of General ENT, but my interest and expertise is centered around medical and surgical treatments for chronic sinusitis, allergy treatments, chronic ear infections and hearing loss, and skin cancer surgeries. I attempt to provide the highest quality medical care, using the most current research and surgical techniques, but also to care for each individual patient as if they were a member of my family.
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