Fall Break 2012…

My 3 favorite people in the world…

Fall Break 2012 brought our family together for a week of fun and relaxation.  For Carter, who is now in first grade, it was a time off from schoolwork.  For Emma, now 3 years old going on 14, it offered a chance to spend all day with the whole family.  My wife and Carter love the beach so it was decided to go see the ocean one more time before the colder winter months arrive.  We have been trying to go see different areas and beaches rather than going to the same place each trip, so we flew into Raleigh, NC and rented a car (minivan, baby!!!) and headed to Wrightsville Beach, NC.  This would also offer a chance to visit with some of our best friends in Cary and Wilmington, NC.

Having been spoiled by good “beach weather” for most of our vacations in the past, it was a little disappointing to have only 4-5 hours of sunshine over our 3 days in Wrightsville Beach.  However, that did not stop us from enjoying our trip as we got to explore the Wilmington area, visiting the NC Aquarium and the Wilmington Children’s Museum.  We did get some beach time as well, where Carter informed me and Dana that he will be an Ocean Explorer when he grows up.  After watching some locals ride the waves, I was also told by the kids that next trip we are all learning to surf.  It was also great to catch up with some old friends, seeing that their family is growing and healthy.  However, my favorite memory from our beach stay is watching the kids play in the sand while the sun set, breaking through some clouds to give a magnificent sky color of orange, pink, and purple.

Next part of our trip was onto Cary, NC to visit some old friends.  We got to meet the newest member of their family, and see how much their girls have grown.  All the kids had a great time playing, soaking each other outside while playing with a sprinkler, and visiting a pumpkin patch.  We had some time to catch up about new adventures and reminisce about past times.  Overall, the trip was exactly what I believe Fall Break to be: relaxing timewith the family. 

As we were driving home from the airport, I started thinking how time moves so quickly.  Some days and weeks seem to go on forever, but it seems like only yesterday Carter, and then Emma, was born.   Before I know it they will be teenagers, then getting a drivers license, then leaving for college.  It makes me sit back and realize what is really important in life, and I pray that I am a good father to them, appreciating each day as a gift from God and to do my best to glorify Him.

About admin

I am an Otolaryngologist, commonly known as an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) physician and surgeon. Currently, I am a partner of Ephraim McDowell ENT Clinic in Danville, KY. My practice consists of General ENT, but my interest and expertise is centered around medical and surgical treatments for chronic sinusitis, allergy treatments, chronic ear infections and hearing loss, and skin cancer surgeries. I attempt to provide the highest quality medical care, using the most current research and surgical techniques, but also to care for each individual patient as if they were a member of my family.
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