Ice or No Ice, Just Donate!!!

My Aunt Debbie. We miss you!

My Aunt Debbie. We miss you!

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, has gotten a lot of attention recently. Likely (unless you live in a remote cave with no internet connection), you have heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge, and many of you may have participated with a (more importantly) donation and/or a very cold bath. And, likely, this has been your only experience with this devastating disease. However, for me, it has had 2 major impacts on my life.

The first was during my third year clinical rotations in medical school. During my 2-week rotation on the Neurology service, I saw first hand of the physically disabling process that this disease does to the human body. More so, I saw that there was nothing medically that could be done to cure it, as most patients die within a few years. Telling a patient of their dreaded diagnosis or seeing a later-staged patient physically paralyzed was the same for me, feeling like Mike Tyson (pre-Buster Douglas Tyson at that) just landed a quick left jab to my belly. I knew then that Neurology was not the medical profession I was made to practice.

The second encounter with ALS was much more personal. My mom called and told me my Aunt Debbie was having some tests done due to some weird muscle symptoms. It wasn’t but a few weeks later that she was diagnosed with ALS. I remember being sick about what I knew she and my Uncle Terry and the family would have to deal with. She was always such a fun, happy and faithful person. How would she deal with this? To the amazement of many, including this blog’s author, her joy and faith and love of others only grew! Why? Because she knew God through Jesus Christ, and what lies ahead and what lies beyond the physical body. She knew of the place where “there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain (Rev 21:4).” Although she now has passed away, her final testimony strengthened the faith of so many people.

I hope you you get and take the challenge to have a bucket of icy water dumped over your head. But more importantly, I hope you make a donation that will go towards finding a cure for this devastating disease. You can make your donation at the following site,

Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

About admin

I am an Otolaryngologist, commonly known as an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) physician and surgeon. Currently, I am a partner of Ephraim McDowell ENT Clinic in Danville, KY. My practice consists of General ENT, but my interest and expertise is centered around medical and surgical treatments for chronic sinusitis, allergy treatments, chronic ear infections and hearing loss, and skin cancer surgeries. I attempt to provide the highest quality medical care, using the most current research and surgical techniques, but also to care for each individual patient as if they were a member of my family.
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3 Responses to Ice or No Ice, Just Donate!!!

  1. marlene mosely Farmer says:

    I’m I in

  2. marlene mosely Farmer says:

    Thanks Rob, I’ll donate for a cure, an for my sister Debbie

  3. audrey egbert says:

    Hi – thanks for the article! I wondered which organization is the best to donate to fight ALS? Plan to donate in Debbie’s honor.

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